Läser the Guardian artikeln ”Do online courses spell the end for the traditional university?” och fortsätter att känna att något spännande håller på att hända. Kostar på mig ett par citat:

”Publishing, music, shopping, journalism – all revolutionised by the internet. Next in line? Education.”

Om Udacity:

”CS221 is a demanding, difficult subject. On campus, 200 students enrolled, and Thrun thought they might pull in a few thousand on the web. By the time the course began, 160,000 had signed up. ”It absolutely blew my mind,” says Thrun Sebastian

There were students from every single country in the world – bar North Korea. What’s more, 23,000 students graduated.”

Om Coursera:

”We had a million users faster than Facebook, faster than Instagram,”
Daphne Koller, Coursera

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